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TMJ is Target Marketing Japan,
Japan’s marketing genius!

Target Marketing Japan is similar to the new fusion of Japanese and western cuisines. TMJ’s management and strategic alliance teams fuses the best of what is going on in both traditional marketing and newer digital marketing practices of Japan, and countries like America and Australia.

We aim to provide our services both within Japan and overseas. Our services benefit both Japanese companies and foreign companies that would like to penetrate the various market segments in Japan. Through our strategic alliances abroad, we can help Japanese companies penetrate various market segments, especially ethnic markets within the USA.

Simply, to reach your target goals and objectives, we assemble a team of specialized talent. This team of specialized talent is key for success. This success is for you! But there’s more than just talent that we bring to you — we bring commitment. Talent mixed with commitment equals an obsessive drive to meet customer needs. There’s one other thing making us unique: if we don’t think we can meet your highest expectations, we turn your business away. WHY? Because we are in the business of doing excellent work for you — not just doing business with you


  • Brand Development
  • Public Relations/Media Relations
  • Multicultural Marketing
  • Advertising
  • New Product Launches
  • Sales Force Development/Management
  • More…


Who is Batman without Robin, Simon without Garfunkel, Peanut Butter without Jelly? Although they might be great on their own, with the right partner, everything becomes better. At Target Marketing Japan, strategic partnership alliances (SPA) are viewed in a similar fashion [more…]


Target Marketing Japan (TMJ) is a full service marketing and public relations agency. We are rapidly becoming known for integrating both traditional and the latest marketing strategies with a creative flair that will reach bottom line goals and objectives [more…]